Released December 20, 2017

Detailed Bug Fixes and Changes


  • Updated Debian packages and RPMs to remove dependency on the perl Net::Ping::External package. This caused issues primarily for Debian installs since the dependency was removed from the main Debian repos recently so installs could not complete. We made a parallel change in the RPMs to keep things consistent. The updated packages are perfsonar-lsregistrationdaemon, perfsonar-lscachedaemon, and all packages starting with perfsonar-toolkit or libperfsonar.


  • Uploaded new esmond packages that correct a race condition between cassandra start-up and the esmond set-up scripts. This error led a number of users to reporting their esmond database scripts were not setup correctly when doing a fresh install. If you encountered this error prior to this email you should be able to correct it with a “/usr/lib/perfsonar/scripts/system_environment/configure_esmond —force” command followed by a “systemctl restart httpd”. Note that if you are running the latest esmond RPM you should not need to comment any part of the configure_esmond script as was indicated for the older version of the script in a previous note to the users list.