Lookup Service Dashboards upgrade
The perfSONAR public dashboard (aka Lookup Service dashboard) has just been upgraded. Thanks to Grafana 10 a new browsing UI has been implemented with improved filtering capabilities. It still lists all the perfSONAR public instances and provides useful statistics about those deployments so that perfSONAR users can find the best...
Call for proposals for the 4th European perfSONAR Users Workshop
The Fourth European perfSONAR User Workshop will bring together perfSONAR user and developer communities to explore use cases for the toolkit, to share best practices, and to discuss future features and the perfSONAR development roadmap. We’re calling for proposals to present during the workshop. If you have a use case,...
perfSONAR Office Hours
In the wake of TLPW Perf Club coming to a close, the perfSONAR team has decided to try out a similar open forum for current and prospective users to discuss perfSONAR-related topics. We’re calling it perfSONAR Office Hours and plan to host it once per quarter as part of the...
Statement on Operating System Support, 2023 Edition
NB: This is not a re-post from two years ago. Last week, Red Hat announced that it has ceased distributing the source code for Red Hat Enterprise Linux to the public and barred its licensees from doing the same. This closes the loophole it left open that made Alma Linux...
New Lookup Service Dashboards
The new perfSONAR public dashboard is a powerful tool, built on top of the Lookup Service, the global directory of all perfSONAR public instances, that provides statistics about the public perfSONAR deployments all around the world. It is divided in five sections where you can find general information, maps, and...
Getting Ready for perfSONAR 5.0
The release of 5.0 is only a few weeks away bringing with it major changes including replacement of the current Esmond data archive with Opensearch (an Apache licensed derivative of Elasticsearch). This talk will cover what you need to do to prepare including how to test with the latest beta...
Join Us for 3rd European perfSONAR Users Workshop
Please plan to join us for the 3rd European perfSONAR Users Workshop on May 24 and 25 from 13:00 to 17:00 CEST (07:00 to 11:00 EDT). The Third European perfSONAR User Workshop will follow on from the first two workshops and again will bring together perfSONAR user and developer...
Join Us for Internet2 TechEXtra: perfSONAR Day
Please plan to join us for the second annual Internet2 TechEXtra: perfSONAR Day on Wednesday, November 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. EDT (15:00 to 20:00 CET). The first half of this year’s program will be a look at some of the project’s current goings-on and what’s in...
Statement on Operating System Support
As many of you are aware, Red Hat announced last December that all support for CentOS 8 will cease on December 31, 2021. At the time of the announcement, the perfSONAR team was in the process of a long-overdue port to that distribution; that project was halted pending an assessment...
RNP Joins the perfSONAR Development Collaboration
perfSONAR collaboration members are pleased to welcome Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP), the national research and education network of Brazil, as a collaboration partner. RNP has been involved with perfSONAR and using perfSONAR tools for 15 years, even having their own implementation of perfSONAR for eight years....
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