Released February 27, 2020
Bug Fixes and Changes
- Updated Django to 1.11.28
- Fixed locking of run table in PostgreSQL that was causing non-starter tasks
- Fixed issue in esmond archiver that would cause failures if measurement-agent was null
- Fixed post-installation issues related to selinux
- Improved diagnostic messages included with non-starter tasks
- Fixed error message for httpd-wsgi package when httpd could not be found
- Updated test-related fields in JSON passed to archiver to be more consistent
- Fixed issue in esmond archiver where ‘No type set for raw record’ was reported
- Updated psconfig-publisher RPM to enable httpd on install
- Better error handling in MaDDash Agent when an invalid group is encountered
- Added plugins to maddash-agent that were not being installed by RPM
pSConfig Web Administrator (PWA)
- Updated pwa_admin CLI userlist command to output valid JSON
- Update pwa_admin CLI to set password interactively
- Updated NPM dependencies
- Fixed trace test specification so it correctly uses the probe-type field
- Fixed trace test specification to use length instead of packet-size
- Updated headers in REST API
- Added ability to set scope with pwa_auth command
- Added ability to see single user with pwa_auth command
- Fixed configurable privacy policy link to appear on the Toolkit homepage